Philipp Waldhauser

©Rene Böhmer

Nice to meet you! My Name is Philipp.

What fascinates me the most, is the process of capturing an abstract of the world and revitalizing it in a wholesome composition on a big screen. Giving this composition its final edge, is what I live for.

My work is about portraiting ways of life, passion in craft and the beauty of our environment. Natural and crafted. Finding, reminding and redefining what makes life worthwhile.
Giving peace of mind and motivating change.

I am a romantic with passion for the pragmatic. A precise curiosity allows me to deeply understand tools and continuously improve workflows.

The role of the consultant is one I very much identify with. Helping to define, materialize
and secure the creative vision.
And in doing so, getting to know wonderful people.

Cinematographer based in central Europe.